Niall Ferguson - Rubin Report [May 2018]
Niall Ferguson + Dave Rubin
History departments have moved to the “monochrome left" , in his estimation
Definition of defeat in the culture war is that it’s imperceptible
Often it’s a replacement problem
Conservative historians weren’t ever replaced
The left was good at succession; that was the important game
Stanford history department wanted no part of him; only Hoover affiliation
Unlike at Harvard; was a pariah at Stanford
Implicit rule that you don’t hire right-leaning historians or grad students
Students in a class he lectured in hadn’t considered the religious angle of 9/11
Howard Zinn’s books are most prominent; but just one perspective
IDW…such mystique and interest
How could he be part of it, when he’s been in establishments for so long
Seemed disingenuous to put himself in same category as Brett Weinstein and others
But it’s not about denial of platform: about whether you’re seen to speak for those who feel that they’ve been silenced
Cowardice is the most powerful force in human history
Seen it with his wife, and those who hesitate to support her
Fear of getting targeted by jihad, or something
Biggest newspapers have cultures like colleges
The guilty until proven innocent model of current outrage..
It’s like a wheel of fate, medieval style
Scots have a self-image of courage and boldness
Marching towards gunfire, bagpipes playing
When to NYU imminently after 9/11
Feels like it comes from his Scottish feeling of defiance
Soviets recruited British sympathizers in academia
Single most successful act of Russian espionage
Very exclusive network infiltration
Took the Remain position, due to friendship with Cameron, Osborne and others
Found arguments of Brexit advocates as unconvincing
That you’ll recoup money and give it to domestic services
Immigration was the issue
Britain was subject to open borders, and inheriting Germany’s (or others) immigration policies
Feels he was wrong initially; can admit that
Should’ve advised Cameron that he advocated for Brexit after there was pitiful progress on immigration across EU
Not a fan of Theresa May
In this weird scenario where Brexit is being implemented by those who really don’t want it
Disaster to be subject to rules of EU, through trade or whatever, without getting the top-tier upside
Thinks this whole fiasco can lead the way to Corbyn and totally leftist government